Single Family ONLY, no large groups , no multi-family. Maximum occupan cy is 6 people (4 adults max).
Exceeding the occupa ncy rate will result in th e forfeiture of the entir e Security Deposit and C le aning
Deposit. Subleas ing i s not permitted. RESERVATIO N DEPOSIT / C ANCELLATION P OLICYHalf of the ren tal amount is required at the time of reser vation. Visa, M/C o r cash will be acc epted. Full
refund of re servation depos it up to 2 weeks before rese rved date minus a $25.00 cancellation fee.No refund of res ervation deposit with in 2 weeks of reserved d ate. Cancellations within 7 days will be
charged the full rental amount. SECURITY AND CLEANING DEPOSIT$350.00 Security Deposit and $150.00 Cleaning Dep osit are required u pon Check-In. The d eposits will
be refunded wi thin 48 hours of departur e if the terms of th e Rental Agreement are m et and t he Travel
Trailer is c le an an d undamaged with all inventory items in place. Visa or Mast ercard will be acc epted.
INVENTORY ITEMSThe trailer is s tocked with kitchen cookwar e and eating utens ils. Bed linens, pillows and to wels are
available for a small fee. Los s of any item will be charge d $15.00 plus the cost to r eplace the item.
SANITATION FEEThe Black and Gray Water Holding Tanks are empty upon arrival. A $3 0.00 sa nitation fee will be charged
if a non-sewer site is reserv ed. The fee will be w aived if a full hookup site is r eserved. If camping on a
site without sewer hookup, water sh ould be used sparingly to avo id filli ng the tan ks (we suggest using
the Park’s s howers for b athing). APPLIANCESTrailer is equipped w ith A/C & Heat, Color TV, Mic rowave, Refrigerat or/Freezer, Stove/Oven and Water
Heater (w e suggest turning the Wa ter Heater off w hen not in use, the sw itch is located above the lavatory s ink). NO SMOKING, NO PETSEvidence of smoking or pets will result in the forfeiture of the entire Securit y AN D Cleaning Deposits.
CHECK IN, CHECK O UT TIMES Check-In T ime is 3:00pm. C heck-Out Time is 12:00pm (noon). Signature ____________________ _______________ ______________ Date ___________ _________ Renter has read and agrees to the terms of the T ravel Trailer Rental Agreement. Please complete this form and return it with th e signed Travel Trailer R ental Agreement and reservation deposit. Name: __ ________ _______ ______ ________ Driver’s License #:__ _____ ________ _______ __ Addres s: ________ _______ ______ _______ C ity: _____ _________ _ State:___ _ Zip:______ _ Phone:___ ________ _______ ______ _______ C ell: ______ _______ ________ _____ ____ Check in Date: ____ _____ Check ou t Date: __________ Res erved Campsite #: ___________ # of Adults ____ __ # of Child ren __ ___ ___ Full Hookup Sites: 23-27 and 67-74 # Nights ____ x $129.00 Rate _____________ Tax (. 0675 ) _____________ Total Rental Amo unt ____________ _ /2 = Reserv ation Deposit ____________ _ Due at Check In : Rental Amount __________ ___ Less Re servation Deposit (___________ __) Security Deposit $3 50.00 ( Refundable, if terms of agr eement are met) Cleaning Deposit $1 50.00 ( Refundable, if left clean) Sanitation Fee (Y or N) ____________ _ ($30.00, if non-se wer site is reser ved) Towel Fee (Y or N) ____________ _ ($20.00 for w ashcloths, bat h & hand towels) Linen Fee (Y or N) _____________ Twin Sheet Set + Pill ows Qty _____ x $10.00 = ________ Queen Sheet Set + Pillo ws Qty _____ x $20.00 = ________ Balanc e Due at Check In _____________ Visa or Ma stercard INVENTO R Y I TEMS Cookware Eating Utens il s Cleaning Supplies Glass Ba king Dish 6 Plastic Plate s Broom & Dus tpan Sauce Pa n – Large 6 Plastic Cere al Bowls Paper T owels Sauce Pa n – Medium 6 Plastic Cup s Dish Drainer Sauce Pa n – Small 1 Plastic Pitc her Tras h Can Frying Pa n – Large Silverware Dish Soap Cooking Utensils Consumables Towels Rent ed (Y or N) Can O pener RV Toilet Paper _____ Bath T owels Cutting Boar d Coffee Filters _____ Hand Towels Corkskrew _____ Wash Cloths Cheese Gra ter Miscellaneous _____ Bath M at Knives Coffee Pot _____ Dishcloths Measur ing Cup Radio Linens Rent ed (Y or N) Plastic La dle Fly Swatter _____ Pillows Plastic Slotted S poon Sewer Hose _____ Twin Sheet Sets Rubber Spa tula 2 Hot Pads _____ Queen Sheet Sets Strainer Ice Cube Trays INVENTO R Y I TEMSThe tra ile r is stocked with kitchen cookwar e and eating utensils. B ed linens, pillows and tow el s are
available for a small fee. L oss of any item will be cha rged $15.00 plus the cost to replace the item.
NO PETS , NO SM OKINGEvidence of either w ill result in the forfeitur e of the entire Security Deposit and Cleaning Deposit.
OCCUPANCY RAT EThe Occup ancy Rate is s trictly enforced. Large parties or groups are n ot permitted. Only those pa rties
on the rental agreement are allowed to U SE and/or STAY in the travel tra ile r. Exceeding the number of
adults or children specified is a v io lation of th e terms set forth in this agreement and w ill result in the
forfeiture of the entire Security Deposit a nd Cleaning Deposit. WATER USAGEThe tra vel trailer is equipped with a gray water h olding tank that collects wa ter from the sh ower and
sinks. Th e black water holding tan k colle cts w ater from the toilet. If staying in a s ite without full
hookups, use w ater spar ingl y so as not to exceed the tanks holding capacity. We s uggest using the
shower f acilities in the park. A n ad dition a l $3 0 fee will be ass essed if the wa ste water ta nks need to be
emptied during your s tay or if the tank s are emptied on the gr ound. WATER HEATERWe suggest turning the water heater off when n ot in use, the switch is loc ated above the lav atory sink.