Understanding Title VII: What Organizations Need To Know About Employees In Protected Classes

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| Membership (fee-based) POST WRITTEN BY Taylor Cotterell Aug 22, 2018, 08:00am EDT Updated Aug 22, 2018, 08:00am EDT

When it comes to hiring, firing and even granting promotions, not everything is clearly black or white, good employee or bad employee. With legal responsibilities to consider, such as Title VII protected classes, HR professionals often walk a fine line as they work to enforce employee rights while also legally protecting their companies.

Consider one U.S. company where an at-will employee was still in her probationary period. After working for the company for several weeks, she wanted to move to another department. But she scored poorly on the test for the new job and didn't have the required experience. Throughout the process, she also received two incredibly low evaluations from her supervisors.

You might think that it would be time to let her go, but this case wasn't actually clear-cut at all. The woman in question is African-American, which puts her in a Title VII protected class. And then there's what she says a supervisor told her about the new position she wanted — that the company wanted to hire a person of Asian descent.

The business ended up letting her go, citing her poor performance evaluations. But she sued, claiming the real reason was her race. The case made it all the way to an appellate court, which ultimately sided with the employee.

A version of this scenario could happen at any company. In fact, I worked with a company just 18 months ago where a job candidate was protected by multiple Title VII classes. The company, which was eager to hire the more-than-qualified candidate, reached out to me with concerns during their hiring process.

While the company’s administrators had no problem with the fact that he fell under multiple protected classes, they were concerned about the “what ifs.” What if something did go wrong once they hired him? What would the company’s recourse be if they did need to fire him? What rights did the company have to protect itself from possible legal recourse?

To help assuage their fears, I had the HR department walk me through their current background check processes, from employment verification to credit and criminal background checks. While it might seem excessive and a time-consuming process for each potential new hire, protected or not, adhering to thorough HR hiring practices is vital for every company.

Once hired, continue that thoroughness by documenting everything, for every employee, protected or not. So, if ever there is a concern, dispute or worse, you will have the evidence necessary to prove just cause for letting that employee go, ultimately protecting your company.

Because this situation is highly likely, it’s imperative all HR professionals understand the details of the Title VII protected classes. To best explore this topic, the following must be considered: how a company can fire an employee without opening themselves up to a lawsuit, and exactly what the legal rights of an employee are if they believe they have been wrongfully terminated. But first, we must understand protected classes and what you can and can’t do related to Title VII.

What Is Title VII?

The seventh amendment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII, outlines five major protected classes: race, color, religion, sex and national origin. There are now also protections for physical or mental disability, reprisal and, most recently added, sexual orientation. Through the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers are prohibited from discriminating against employees based on any of those protected classes.

While Title VII seems pretty cut and dry, there are also at-will employment policies to consider. In every state (except Montana), employers have the option of adopting an at-will employment policy, which means they can fire an employee at any time, for any reason or no reason at all. For example, if an employer doesn’t like the smell of an employee’s cologne, that employee can be fired on the spot. Unfortunately, these at-will policies can often mask discrimination.

Ultimately, Title VII violations are made when an employee is discriminated against — whether fired, not hired or not promoted — because they fit into one or more of those specifically protected classes.

What Are The Rules?

To prevent Title VII violations, there are some clear-cut guidelines of what you can and cannot do in the hiring, firing and promoting process.

Let's begin with the can'ts. You can’t refuse to hire, segregate, force someone else to segregate or deny training to members of protected classes for the reason that they are part of one or more of those classes. It is unlawful to discriminate in any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoffs, training, fringe benefits and any other term or condition of employment.

What you can do, however, is hire on the basis of religion, sex or national origin if religion, sex or national origin is a bona fide qualification. Educational institutions, for example, can hire employees of a particular religion if the institution is owned, supported, controlled or managed by a particular religion, or if their curriculum is directed toward the propagation of a particular religion.

Consequences of wrongfully terminating an employee who might fit into one of the protected classes could lead to legal action, court-ordered payment of lost wages, expenses and punitive damages, and even monetary penalties. To protect companies, HR professional must fully research and understand exactly what the Title VII protected classes are, how the law affects the hiring and firing processes, and which employees fall under those distinctive classes.

Throughout the remainder of this series, we will explore how a company can fire an employee without opening themselves up to a lawsuit and exactly what the legal rights of an employee are if they believe they have been wrongfully terminated.

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