Tuition Waivers and Exemptions

There are ways to pay for college in addition to obtaining financial aid. Check the information below for programs that may apply to you.

Tuition exemptions and waivers allow special groups of Texas residents or nonresidents to pay less tuition and/or fees. You must meet the specific requirements to receive the exemption, including academic requirements listed below.

Tuition exemptions are not retroactive to a paid enrollment. Based on the exemption, additional documentation may be required.

For more information or to update your student information, contact any campus Admissions and Enrollment Office.

Exemptions Available to ACC Students

Exemptions listed below are available to ACC students. Details are available directly from the state’s College for All Texans webpage. Additional exemptions listed on the state website are currently not available to ACC students.

Waivers Available to ACC Students

Find waiver program details on the College for All Texans webpage.

Academic Eligibility for Exemptions/Waivers

Effective fall 2014, Senate Bill 1210 (83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session) requires students to meet the GPA and excessive hour requirement of ACC’s satisfactory academic progress in a degree or certificate program determined by our financial aid policy. See Maintaining Your Financial Aid.

This requirement does not apply to students who are exempt, including foster care alumni, co-enrolled high school students, or the dependent child or spouse of a Texas veteran who is missing in action, killed in action, or died as a result of service.

Tuition exemption/waiver appeal

You may appeal the loss of a tuition exemption/waiver in consultation with an ACC Academic Guidance Specialist. An appeal is considered when students have made substantial progress toward completing a certificate/degree and provide sufficient documentation to support continuing the tuition waiver.

Education Tax Benefit Programs

Several tax benefits can help students and families meet the cost of higher education, including:

Save your records of all education-related payments and financial aid for tax purposes. Institutions are required to provide Form 1098T Tuition Statement, to students (except Continuing Education students and nonresident alien students). Banks, institutions, and other lenders that collect student loan interest payments must issue annual information returns (Form 1098E Student Loan Interest Payments to individuals) from whom they collect more than $600 in interest during the tax year.

Visit the IRS website for more information (IRS Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Higher Education and Publication 520, Scholarships and Fellowships). You can also call 800-TAX-FORM.

Texas Public University Tuition Rebate Program

You may qualify for a $1,000 rebate earn a bachelor’s degree if you:

ACC advisors can help you plan your course of study to maximize your chances of qualifying for this rebate. Learn more about the program at the College for All Texans.

Workforce Investment Act Program

You may qualify for help in meeting you educational expenses through the Workforce Investment Act program. Prior to enrollment at ACC, contact a WIA office to determine eligibility and types of assistance. Learn more at Workforce Solutions Capital Area or Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area.