The United States and the Navajo Nation entered into legal agreements (the Phase 1 Settlement and the Phase 2 Settlement) that provide funds to investigate and cleanup 16 of the 46 “priority mines," investigate 46 mines, cleanup 16 mines, and carry out two water studies.
Background | Documents | Community Involvement | Contacts | Progress | PhotosPhase 2 Settlement
For more information about the Phase 2 Removal Site Evaluation (RSE) Trust work, visit the Phase 2 RSE Trust website
EPA Remedial Project Manager:
Elisa Arviso
(415) 972-3077
EPA Remedial Project Manager:
Jeremy Bekis
(831) 498-8934
EPA Community Involvement Coordinator:
Elsa Johnson
(415) 947-3552
USEPA and Navajo Nation EPA are evaluating whether there are chemical or radiological hazards that may pose a threat to community members or the environment at the 46 abandoned uranium mines (AUMs) covered under the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Settlement Agreements. The Navajo Nation Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation Program performed activities to address physical hazards at most of the AUMs on the Navajo Nation in the 1990s. Each Settlement Agreement created a Trust managed by a Trustee to perform work under the oversight of USEPA and Navajo Nation EPA. All AUMs included in the Phase 1 and 2 Settlement Agreements are AUMs for which there are no viable non-Federal potentially responsible parties (PRPs).
The Phase 1 Trustee, Sadie Hoskie, and contractors conducted investigations at 16 AUMs selected in the Phase 1 Settlement Agreement (the Phase 1 AUMs). The Phase 1 AUMs are located across all six of the Navajo AUM regions. The work required by the Phase 1 Settlement Agreement has been completed.
The Phase 2 Trustee, Derrith Watchman-Moore, and her contractors are conducting investigations at an additional 30 AUMs (the Phase 2 mines), conducting two water studies at AUMs, evaluating cleanup alternatives and carrying out cleanups for the Phase 1 AUMs, as necessary. The Phase 2 AUMs are located in the Cameron area, the Black Mesa Mining District, and the Tse Tah area. The two water studies are being carried out at AUMs located in the Black Mesa Mining District and the Tse Tah area.
The Phase 1 Trustee investigated 16 AUMs identified in the Phase 1 Settlement Agreement between the U.S. and the Navajo Nation in 2015, under USEPA and Navajo Nation EPA oversight. The investigations showed the extent of the area with potential mine waste contamination. Field work completed to date for the Phase 1 AUMs includes:
Sadie Hoskie completed her work in 2018 and shared the results with the communities.
The Phase 2 Trustee is undertaking the following work, under USEPA and Navajo Nation EPA oversight, under the Phase 2 Settlement Agreement entered into between the U.S. and the Navajo Nation in 2016:
The Phase 2 AUMs include 11 AUMs in the Western AUM region near Cameron, 13 AUMs in the Black Mesa Mining District in the Central AUM region, and six AUMs in the Northern AUM Region near Tse Tah. The water studies are being carried out at the Claim 28 AUM in the Black Mesa Mining District and Saytah/George Simpson 1 Incline AUM near Tse Tah.
Community members have an opportunity to participate in the cleanup process and help shape cleanup decisions. The Phase 2 Trustee and her team of experts meet regularly, in coordination with EPA and Navajo Nation EPA, with chapter officials, residents and community members regarding the mines located in all the abandoned uranium mine region.
Related Content:The 46 mines and two water studies that are included in the Trust Agreements are located across all six Navajo AUM Regions. The Navajo Nation Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation Program performed activities to address physical hazards at most of the mine sites in the 1990s.
The U.S. and Navajo Nation identify 17 additional AUMs for which RSEs will be conducted and the AUM at which the second water study will be conducted by the Phase 2 Trustee.
The U.S. and Navajo Nation agree that the investigations at the 30 additional mines, two water studies, and cleanup of the 16 Phase 1 AUMs will be carried out by the newly created Phase 2 Expanded Trust, to be led by the Phase 2 Trustee, Derrith Watchman-Moore.
The U.S. and Navajo Nation also agree on a revised list of 30 AUMs for which RSEs will be conducted by the Phase 2 Trustee.
The U.S. and Navajo Nation agree on a list of 15 Phase 1 AUMs for which it is appropriate to prepare EE/CAs. The Phase 2 Trustee’s team of experts begins work on EE/CAs for 15 Phase 1 AUMs. The Phase 2 Trustee continues to conduct field work for the water study at the Claim 28 AUM. RSE investigation work plans are in review for the 30 Phase 2 AUMs and field work is expected in 2024.