Mental Health Act 1983 Statutory Forms

N.B. All forms have the new "electronic forms" wording where appropriate. The updated pink forms state "Form amended by SI 2020/1072 for use from 1 December 2020" (this wording does not affect the validity of the forms any more than the name/address of a company selling the forms would).

Admission forms

Hospital forms

Guardianship forms

Miscellaneous forms

Treatment forms

CTO forms

2020 guidance


Old forms

The old-wording DH pink forms are archived here. These forms were in use from 3/11/08 to 30/11/20 inclusive (except CTO12). Either old or new forms could be used for non-electronic communication between 1/12/20 and 1/2/21.


The Welsh Assembly Government have produced forms which are available on the NHS Wales website.